ATTENTION: Traditional Landlording, Rehab & Flips, and Traditional Wholesaling means headaches, financial risk, and frustration.
Introducing the Slow Flip Formula...

A Groundbreaking New Way to Amass Long-Term Cash Flowing Properties Without The Headaches & Risk of Rehabbing and Landlording!

A Groundbreaking New Way to Amass Long-Term Cash Flowing Properties Without The Headaches & Risk of Rehabbing and Landlording!

(valued at $17 but yours free)
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In The Slow Flip Formula Checklist + Video Guide, Real Estate Entrepreneur And International Speaker, Antonio Edwards Will Show You The 8 Simple Steps To...

  • Finding Profitable Deals - right under the noses of every other real estate investor and wholesaler using old-school strategies in this new market.
  • Quick-Closing Your Perfect Deal - All 4 simple steps.
  • Magnetic Property Marketing - This couldn’t be an easier to flood your inbox with motivated buyers.
  • ​Each step of how we collect $3,000 - $5,000 upfront and $875 to $1,100+ coming in for at least 30 years!
  • ​A breakthrough new process that will create wealth for life in just a few deals.
  • And so much more.

What the Slow Flip Formula is NOT:

  • ​BRRRR Method - (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) Landlording totally sucks and we’re never rehabbing or landlording again.
  • Lease-Option Strategy - good guess but still too much liability and just plain wrong, wrong, wrong!
  • Traditional Landlording - wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole ever again.
  • Rehab and Flip Deals - High-Stress, High-Risk, hold on to your shirt because you may lose it here.
  • Or Wholesaling - Traditional wholesaling is over-saturated and is obsolete in this market.


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What Are Slow Flips?

The process of buying a real estate property that provides you money upfront and generates you cashflow every month without having to be a landlord. 

The Benefits of Slow Flips:

  • ​Only buying on acquisitions
  • ​​Zero repairs done by you (unless you want to do them)
  • ​Deed stays in your name (you’re in the driver’s seat)
  • ​Not playing the landlord role (no leaky toilet calls)
  • ​Upfront non-refundable down payments collected upfront
  • ​Extremely low maintenance
  • ​Easy to scale
  • ​Can evict occupant like a “regular tenant”

Our Recent Case Studies

Can You See Why So Many People Just Like You Are Starting to Slow Flip Properties Instead of Being a Landlord?

Julianna and Joey Chianese

Andrel Harris

Sabatino Piscitelli

Anthony Haddad

Juan Mancera

Lianna H.


To discover how to buy properties with no money down and generate 30-years of income by becoming the bank WITHOUT headaches of rehabbing and landlording!

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